Mitsubishi Electric Robot Earns Guinness World Records for Speed in Puzzle Cube Solving


Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) has achieved the Guinness World Records title for the fastest robot to solve a puzzle cube. The robot completed the task in 0.305 seconds, surpassing the previous record of 0.38 seconds. The official certificate was awarded to Mitsubishi Electric on May 21.


The record-breaking robot, named the TOKUI Fast Accurate Synchronized motion Testing Robot (TOKUFASTbot), features high-speed, high-precision factory automation (FA) equipment and control technology. This includes Mitsubishi Electric’s compact, high-power, signal-responsive servomotors and a color-recognition algorithm developed using proprietary AI technology. The robot’s rotation mechanism enables a 90° rotation in just 0.009 seconds.


The servomotors, programmable controller, industrial PC, touch panel display, and cameras are all designed for high-speed signal connection and inter-device control, facilitating the robot’s rapid and precise movements. A video of the robot solving a puzzle cube, taken on May 7, is available on the Mitsubishi Electric – Global channel.


Yuji Yoshimura, Senior General Manager of the Component Production Engineering Center at Mitsubishi Electric, commented, “Since establishing our Component Production Engineering Center in 2016, we have focused on developing and manufacturing high-tech motors, power semiconductors, and related products. To demonstrate our technical capabilities in achieving high-speed, high-precision windings, our young engineers voluntarily worked to set this world record. Achieving the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title has motivated our engineers to further advance their skills. We will continue to tackle exciting challenges using the technology we have developed to support global manufacturing.”


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