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CGD, Chicony Power, Cambridge University Team Up for GaN Power Solutions


Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD), a semiconductor company focused on energy-efficient GaN-based power devices, has entered into a collaborative effort with Chicony Power Technology Co., Ltd of Taiwan and Cambridge University Technical Services (CUTS), UK. The tripartite agreement aims to develop advanced, efficient, high power-density adapters, and data center power products utilizing Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology. Chicony Power is a renowned provider of power electronics systems, specializing in power supplies and adapters for various applications, including notebooks, desktop computers, gaming devices, and server/cloud solutions. Professor Florin Udrea, leading the High Voltage Microelectronics and Sensor (HVMS) group at Cambridge University, will serve as the lead consultant on behalf of CUTS.


The collaborative project, titled ‘Innovative low power and high power SMPS (switch mode power supplies) with advanced GaN solutions,’ will leverage the expertise of CGD, Chicony Power, and Cambridge University to create a significant GaN ecosystem. The initiative aims to deliver prototypes of highly efficient, high-density adapters for notebooks, an area where Chicony Power holds a market-leading position. Additionally, the project will focus on developing Titanium+ efficiency and High Power Density (> 100W/inch3) power supply units for data centers and AI server applications.


Giorgia Longobardi, CEO of CGD, expressed optimism about the collaboration, stating, “The combined strengths of our businesses, together with the world-renowned HVMS group at Cambridge University, will accelerate the development and adoption of high energy-density power solutions in wide-ranging applications.”


Peter Tseng, President of Chicony Power Technology, highlighted CGD’s expertise in GaN technology and its strong academic background. He stated, “CGD has already delivered its second series of ICeGaN™ HEMT devices which offer top-notch performance in terms of ruggedness and ease-of-use. And because of its roots and still strong links with Cambridge University, CGD can call upon 25 years of academic experience – more than many other established GaN companies.”


CGD recently launched its second series of ICeGaN™ 650 V gallium nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) family, featuring advanced technology to enhance performance, robustness, and efficiency. These advancements aim to reduce switching losses, contributing to the reduction in size and weight of electronic devices.


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