Ventiva Debuts ICE9, Next-Generation Fan-less Cooling Solution for Electronics


Ventiva, a leading company in active cooling solutions for electronic devices, has announced its latest thermal management solution, ICE9. This next-generation platform addresses the increasing need for effective heat transfer in electronics, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and high-definition graphics, as well as the growing use of high-performance devices like gaming headsets.


ICE9 employs electrohydrodynamic flow technology, which integrates principles from physics, engineering, and fluid dynamics. This approach eliminates the limitations of traditional fan technology, providing a silent and vibration-free cooling method. “When I talk with executives at OEMs, the number one customer complaint is ‘noisy laptop fans,’” said Carl Schlachte, CEO and Chairman of Ventiva. “ICE9’s technology addresses these concerns by enhancing performance and user experience without the noise.”


The ICE9 platform operates through intelligent software control, managing airflow to support a total design power of up to 30 watts. Its compact design, ranging from 2mm to 5mm in height and 15mm to 70mm in width, allows for space-efficient integration into various devices, including laptops, tablets, smartphones, AR/VR headsets, high-definition televisions, wireless charging devices, and gaming electronics.


“ICE9 is a significant advancement for Ventiva and the electronics industry,” added Schlachte. “OEMs appreciate the reduction in device size, and engineers benefit from the flexibility of our compact cooling technology. Consumers ultimately receive silent, slim, and vibration-free devices that meet their performance needs.”


The introduction of ICE9 represents a major milestone for Ventiva, as the company continues to grow and plans to expand into the Asian market. This launch underscores Ventiva’s commitment to innovation in thermal management solutions for modern electronics.



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