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Advanced Energy Unwraps Impedance Matching Network

NavX Matching Network

The designer and manufacturer of highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions for mission-critical applications and processes, Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: AEIS) launches the NavX impedance matching network. It is loaded with industry-leading algorithms and direct generator communication, enabling high levels of precise and repeatable plasma control critical in Angstrom-Era fabrication.


Next-generation semiconductor etch processes require unprecedented levels of plasma control during rapid pulsing, frequent transitions, and longer recipes that are needed to fabricate smaller, faster and more efficient chips with more complex 3D structures.


The new NavX matching network is designed with direct match-generator communication and ultra-fast tuning leveraging AE hardware and proprietary algorithms. This enables RF-synchronized impedance matching during multilevel pulse states for precise control of plasma characteristics. Paired with the eVerest generator, NavX completes AE’s latest RF delivery system (RFDS), enabling unparalleled control of plasma characteristics.


“Building on over 20 years of experience in developing advanced RF delivery systems for plasma processes, the NavX matching network redefines tuning speed, sophistication and RF synchronization for exacting plasma control across the most complex pulsing profiles,” said Juergen Braun, Advanced Energy’s senior vice president of plasma power products. “The platform’s groundbreaking selectable tuning algorithm, which enables impedance matching to multiple RF pulse states, instantly reduces reflected power in processes with shorter RF-on times.”


NavX directly synchronizes with the eVerest RF generator and incorporates proprietary Advanced Selectable Tuning and Velocity Tuning algorithms that optimize response speeds for pulse sequences. The system’s +/- 10% frequency span enables faster tuning and access to a wider impedance range. Intermodulation distortion (IMD) immunity maintains tuning accuracy in multi-frequency applications, and scalable pulse states provide a path to new energy regimes.


The NavX matching network is fully compatible with the PowerInsight by Advanced Energy IoT platform, which provides rapid access to high-resolution, actionable data that supports process optimization.



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