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HFCL Invests in Poland. Gets New Optical Fiber Plant


HFCL Limited (HFCL), a prominent technology enterprise specializing in integrated next-gen communications products and solutions, has disclosed its intention to establish a state-of-the-art optical fibre manufacturing plant in Poland. The announcement was made at the FTTH Conference 2024 in Berlin, Europe’s leading fibre optic summit.


The move reflects HFCL’s commitment to addressing the growing demand for optical fibre cable (OFC) in European markets and accelerating the adoption of 5G and Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) technologies, aligning with Europe’s vision of achieving gigabit connectivity by 2028.


European countries are increasingly prioritizing digitization initiatives, leading to a surge in demand for optical fibre cables. This demand is driven by factors such as the limitations of traditional copper cable networks, rising data demands, and regulatory requirements favoring fibre deployments.


The European optical fibre cable market is projected to experience significant growth, with an expected demand of 90 million fibre km per annum by 2028. HFCL’s investment in the Poland plant, with an initial commitment of up to Euro 15.9 million (INR 144 crores), underscores its dedication to meeting this demand.


The plant, set to begin operations with a capacity of 3.25 million fibre km scalable for future expansion, will enhance HFCL’s ability to serve its European customers efficiently. It will also contribute to the region’s digital transformation goals by reducing transit times, ensuring competitiveness, and supporting local manufacturing initiatives.


HFCL’s products are recognized for their compliance with global standards and customization to meet customer requirements. Additionally, the company prioritizes environmental sustainability, employing highly efficient and eco-friendly manufacturing processes to reduce its carbon footprint.


The establishment of the manufacturing facility in Poland signifies HFCL’s strategic commitment to advancing connectivity infrastructure in Europe and supporting the region’s digital evolution.



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