Marktech Optoelectronics Unveils 235nm, 255nm High Power Dual Chip UVC LEDs

UVC LEDs - Marktech Electronics

New York-based Marktech Optoelectronics launches dual-chip UVC LEDs in 235 nm and 255nm wavelengths. These high-power UVC LEDs can double the power output of traditional single-chip LEDs. It can offer more effective deep UVC lights sources for purification and instrumentation applications across various industries.


Marktech has successfully doubled the light output by integrating two UVC LEDs within a single package. This enhances the efficiency and range of germicidal and analytical applications, which are crucial in environments with high turbidity, like water purification systems and water quality sensors, where increased power is essential to maintain effectiveness. Further, the high-power output is important in improving the performance of air and surface sanitization and sterilization solutions where rapid and effective disinfection is necessary.


The new high-power dual-chip UVC LEDs deliver double the light output of single-chip models, enhancing sterilization efficiency. Ideal for healthcare, public transport, and residential use, they meet stringent disinfection needs. These LEDs offer long-lasting, energy-efficient performance with minimal maintenance. Additionally, they are mercury-free and feature Silanna Safe 235nm LEDs, ensuring greater safety for the environment and users by reducing skin irritation compared to 255nm LEDs.


Vince Forte, CTO, Marktech Optoelectronics, said, “These new dual-chip UVC LEDs are a game-changer for industries requiring high-intensity disinfection solutions. They provide more power, efficiency, and increased safety uitlizing the 235nm UV range, aligning with our sustainability and health safety commitment.”



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