indie Semiconductor, Ficosa Collaborate on AI-Based Automotive Cameras

Ficosa Collaborate on AI-Based Automotive Cameras

indie Semiconductor, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDI) and Ficosa, a leading global automotive solutions provider, have entered into a collaborative agreement aimed at developing and commercializing advanced automotive camera solutions employing neural network-based (NN) artificial intelligence (AI) processing.


The partnership intends to leverage Ficosa’s extensive experience in high-volume vision solutions and indie’s proprietary vision processing technology to enhance imaging and in-camera object detection performance, particularly for challenging edge sensing applications. Planned timelines include sampling of initial smart camera solutions in 2024, with an anticipated ramp-up to volume production by 2025.


Government regulators and vehicle safety assessment programs, such as Euro NCAP and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), are increasingly emphasizing protection measures for vulnerable road users (VRU) like pedestrians and cyclists. Automakers are seeking scalable camera-based Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) solutions that offer both passive viewing capabilities and intelligent sensing for active pedestrian detection.


Josep Maria Forcadell, CTO of Ficosa, highlighted the collaboration’s focus on developing robust and scalable camera solutions to improve safety for vehicle occupants and road users. Abhay Rai, EVP and GM of indie’s Vision Business Unit emphasized indie’s AI-based vision solutions’ potential to enhance detection capabilities in real-world edge sensing scenarios with minimal power consumption.



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