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Socionext Partners OnGo Alliance to Expand CBRS Usage

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The network and data center SoC solutions provider, Socionext Americal Inc. has joined forces with OnGo Alliance. The partnership will drive the adoption of private LTE and 5G networks by developing solutions for the US 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band.


The OnGo Alliance is a collation of over 196 companies, including mobile operators, cable operators, managed service providers, mobile virtual network operators, enterprises and more. It supports CBRS as a strong solution to the challenges of Wi-Fi or 4G networks from wireless service providers, which are non-customizable and unable to handle large amounts of data easily or cost-effectively. While Wi-Fi may solve some of those issues, security, interference, and mobility support remain major problems. A “neutral host” approach to deploying custom wireless networks over CBRS spectrum offers an ideal solution that helps address many of these issues.


CBRS Offers a Dynamic Spectrum Access with Strong Protection and Control


CBRS features a dynamic spectrum access system (SAS) that manages the allocation of frequencies in this shared range and offers network operators expanded business opportunities with an efficient way to set up their own private LTE or 5G/NR “New Radio” networks with many benefits. The adoption of CBRS allows companies better protection and control for deciding which devices have access to the network, and it helps keep data protected and resistant to external attacks.


“I am delighted to have Socionext America joining this coalition of network industry leaders,” said Alan Ewing, OnGo Alliance Executive Director. “As a valued member, Socionext brings to OnGo Alliance a wealth of technical expertise and experience to evangelize and broaden CBRS adoption.”


“CBRS is a real game-changer as it can help to lower any organization’s overall CAPEX/OPEX,” said Rajinder Cheema, Senior Vice President of Custom Solutions & Engineering, Socionext America Inc. “Socionext aims to help innovative IoT and 5G network OEMs develop differentiated SoCs and solutions for building CBRS products offering superior data communication and capacity for unparalleled signal integrity, in-building coverage.”


Flexible CBRS Supports Multiple Carriers


The CBRS neutral host can support multiple wireless carriers as well as dedicated private networks so companies can scale their network as needed. 5G core (5GC) components can be dynamically deployed and managed in lightweight server environments within public, private or hybrid data centers. Also, CBRS provides high-quality wireless services for hard-to-reach rural areas with a more cost-effective and time-saving approach than cable or fiber-based solutions.


More network carriers and vendors understand these benefits and seek reliable semiconductor providers to help build their custom CBRS solutions. Socionext offers market-leading, high-performance ADCs, DACs, SerDes, compute & DSP IPs, and has decades of expertise in developing leading-edge silicon technology and design methodologies to address the most demanding environments, such as optical and wireless networks, server clusters and data centers, and emerging Industry 4.0 applications.


As a committed member of the OnGo Alliance, Socionext recognizes the value CBRS brings and how the spectrum helps to revolutionize the future of private LTE and 5G networks.



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