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OEM Group Acquires Rite Track, New Entity Named Shellback Semiconductor Technology

OEM Group Acquires Rite Track, New Entity Named Shellback Semiconductor Technology

The manufacturer of new and remanufactured semiconductor capital equipment, OEM Group has acquired Rite Track, an innovative products and services provider for over 28 years. The combined team together renamed as Shellback Semiconductor Technology. The new global entity is headed by President & CEO Wayne Jeveli and the senior management teams from both OEM Group and Rite Track.


Speaking about the acquisition, Wayne commented, “Rite Track has flourished for nearly thirty years in a demanding global market. They’ve created a brand that’s respected and loved across the industry and have become integral to our customers’ operations. Their expertise in Coat & Develop technologies is legendary, and their expansion into Wafer Carrier Inspection with the EAGLEi system is a game changer for fab productivity. Similarly, OEM has a 22-year track record of supplying iconic technologies from SEMITOOL, VARIAN and Applied P5000.  We serve the same customers, and this union is symbiotic. We’ve respected Rite Track from afar for a long time for their complete focus on customer satisfaction. Now, we’ve got a chance to work together every day on the same team. Our industry is at an incredible inflection point where the need for chips is greater than it’s ever been. SHELLBACK will enable our customers to meet this challenge.”


Rite Track President and CEO Tim Hayden added, “I’m so proud of the team we’ve built over the past 28 years and excited about the opportunities this union will create for our employees, our partners, and most importantly our customers.  We have seen the strategic relationships that Wayne and the OEM Group have built over the years and very much look forward to working with his team to grow Shellback into a market leading position within the semiconductor industry.”


With headquarters in Coopersburg, PA, Shellback Semiconductor Technology consists of approximately 150 employees around the globe. The company notably distinguishes itself by providing solutions for both front-end (FEOL) and back-end (BEOL) processing with a wide range of proprietary technologies, including SEMITOOL Spray Batch, STORM Wafer Carrier Cleaner, EAGLEi Wafer Carrier Inspection, and many more.




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