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Keysight Becomes First to Deliver CTIA Authorized 5G mmWave OTA Test System

Keysight Expands FieldFox Frequency Range, Introduces Portable Millimeter-wave Analysis

Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) becomes the first to deliver a complete CTIA authorized 5G mmWave over-the-air (OTA) test system for validating device transceiver performance in a laboratory environment. This will accelerate the roll-out of wireless connectivity broadband across the US.


Keysight is the first test and measurement supplier to gain system vendor authorization from CTIA, an organization that represents the U.S. wireless communications industry and companies throughout the mobile ecosystem. Many advanced 5G applications require wide bandwidths, which are only accessible in frequency range (FR2) spectrum to support ultra-high data rates and ultra-low latencies.


“We are delighted to support CTIA’s development of specifications critical to delivering multi-gigabit speeds that are essential to advanced 5G use cases such as fixed wireless access and smart factories,” said Roger Nichols, director of wireless standards at Keysight Technologies. “Keysight leveraged its expertise and experience in 5G mmWave technology, as well as OTA test methodology to contribute to CTIA’s development of the FR2 test-plan, and ensure our system meets the stringent requirements of CTIA’s subject-matter experts.”


Keysight combined a comprehensive portfolio of 5G network and channel emulation capabilities with advanced measurement science of the 3GPP 5G new radio (NR) standards to create the industry’s first CTIA authorized mmWave OTA test environment for validating the radio frequency (RF) performance of 5G NR devices. It seamlessly integrates Keysight’s RF Conformance Toolset with the company’s UXM 5G Wireless Test Platform, Compact Antenna test Range (CATR) chamber and CTIA test cases.


Working closely with CTIA on the development of the certification test plan, Keysight is enabling the industry to leverage the full potential of the 5G NR standard. 5G mmWave technology is a critical component to realizing innovative 5G use cases, including remote healthcare, smart manufacturing, smart ports and ultra-high-definition video security, as well as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) gaming.


CTIA approved test labs (ATLs) and 5G device makers can also use Keysight’s 5G device test platforms to gain access to a leading number of RF, demodulation, radio resource management (RRM) and protocol conformance test cases mandated by both the Global Certification Forum (GCF) and PTCRB.



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