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Home » Business » HaiLa Raises $3 Million from SDTC to Commercialize an Ultra-Low Power Communication Platform for IoT Devices

HaiLa Raises $3 Million from SDTC to Commercialize an Ultra-Low Power Communication Platform for IoT Devices

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The Canada-based fabless semiconductor startup HaiLa Technologies, Inc., receives a total of $3 million in non-dilutive financing from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) to continue developing a sustainable solution addressing the massive power problem in IoT devices. The startups is currently developing an ultra-low power IoT communication platform.


The new funds will help entrepreneurs develop and deploy cleantech innovations, promotes the development of a robust Canadian cleantech market and build the economy for the post-pandemic future.


“Canadian clean technologies have the power to transform the world. Today’s investment will enable entrepreneurs at every stage to commercialize the ideas that will help Canada meet its 2030 climate commitments and reach net zero by 2050. This is how we see our country’s future : undeniably green,” said the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.


“As we look to the future and the rapid acceleration and commercialization of climate technologies, coupled with unprecedented public and private commitments to reducing global emissions, now is the time for us to band together for this common cause and common effort. Today’s investment in Canadian innovation brings us closer to a net zero,” asserted Leah Lawrence, President and CEO of SDTC.


“Finding organizations, investors and partners that support HaiLa’s vision of technology built from sustainable methodologies and better stewardship of our natural resources has been a top priority.  Securing SDTC’s support means so much more than the financial assistance, the Canadian sustainability ecosystem that HaiLa can now cross pollinate within is extremely valuable to continue the pursuit of impactful, purposeful technology,” informed Charlotte Savage, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer of HaiLa.



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