Astera Labs Eyes India Expansion

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Astera Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ALAB) announces its plan to expand operations to India. The company picked Bangalore as its new site for the city’s rich engineering talent. Astera plans to establish a robust pipeline of cutting-edge interconnect technologies that enable AI architectures throughout the data center.


Commenting on the announcement, Astera Labs’ President and COO Sanjay Gajendra said, “As a thriving international market with a world-class technical workforce, India is a clear choice for strategic expansion to help scale our engineering resources and support the next phase of growth for the company. We look forward to harnessing Bangalore’s tremendous business and engineering prowess to deliver on our vision to be the leader in purpose-built connectivity solutions that unlock the true potential of AI and cloud infrastructure.”


The new India site will join Astera Labs’ existing R&D centers in Santa Clara, California, Toronto and Vancouver, Canada and Haifa, Israel.



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